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VIKTORIABOLLA BOUTIQUE Nyitvatartás: kedd-péntek 14.00-19.00

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IG: @szecsfruzs

In the course of my work, I meet a number of cumulatively disadvantaged, minority, foster parent children whose environment tells them they are worthless, and they are stuck in their situation as a result. They live their lives with no idea that they too have miracles and are worth just as much as any other child. I consider it my most important goal to make them understand that they are indeed valuable and can make the world a better place. However, I recently realized that for this experience you don't have to be brought up in an educational institution or on the street, abandoned. It's enough to be a woman in the 21st century. So I signed up for the project as a conscious "self-confidence" step. But with this opportunity, I can not only build my own self-esteem, but I can promote a collection whose every cleanly feminine piece exudes confidence and tells the world one very important thing: I am valuable and feel good in my own skin. Yes, even without makeup, yes even over 55 kilos. I am grateful to Viki for seeing this in us ordinary girls before I did... yes, in you too! In addition, I am proud to be able to represent such an affordable brand in a world dominated by fast fashion, which is clean from all moral points of view, and for which both its wearers and our Earth can be grateful.


IG: @perjesorsi

What is my mission? I do not know. How can I? The fact that I'm interested in colors, shapes, smells, pictures and maybe even numbers... It's all there in my immediate environment! But what suits me best, in which I can fulfill myself? I don't think I'm alone when I say: I care about EVERYTHING! I want to taste everything and find what makes me happy and what I can improve myself in. The ViktoriaBolla brand is a continuously developing, growing and learning enterprise. I kind of feel the same way. I am growing and developing. With the help of the team, (of which I somehow became a part) this collection moves from production to your hands. I have never been a model, this is a completely new challenge for me. Let yourself go and make friends with your appearance! Perhaps this is the first step to say yes to as many opportunities as possible, which can say "it's not me" and take me out of my comfort zone - quite far.


IG: @rannacska


I never dared to act, I was always afraid that something wouldn't work out, that I wasn't enough. Afterwards, of course, I always explained to myself that it was good that way, but in reality I missed many opportunities because of it. Although I have always liked to dress up, after a while I noticed that I disguise myself in my choice of clothes, I hide so that I don't have to show myself. The extra weight after giving birth didn't help my self-confidence either. Over time, I began to realize that my attitude was not good. It was around this time that I discovered the brand. I was impressed by how clean the clothes were, yet they all had some refined detail that made them special. You can't go past them. I also liked that I didn't see what I usually see: not super-thin models posing in the clothes, but pretty, ordinary girls who bring the particular pieces to life. All the images exuded harmony and strength. I felt that I wanted to be a part of it. Viki is a very inspiring woman who designs for everyday modern princesses. Viki's story, meeting her, the opportunity and the experience gave me a huge boost to change and show myself. To step out into the light. Thus, in my eyes, the brand also means: don't be afraid of the unknown, stand up for yourself and believe in yourself! There is a warrior princess in all of us!


IG: @antalanette

I never felt confident enough to try myself at modeling. I don't have the skills for that. So I always looked appreciatively at the photos of the gorgeous and super pretty models, not even thinking that I would have a chance to get in line. Nevertheless, I spent 10 years on the screen as a television person, but I usually only saw the flaws in myself and in myself. Until I understood the importance of the trite phrase that my mother told me so many times when I was a child: "Beauty comes from within." It's really cliché, but over the years I slowly realized that beauty is in honest laughter, in harmony with myself. In that I accept what I have been given by fate, but I don't settle for it, I try to make the best out of it. I'm a fan of naturalness, I don't like exaggerations, simplicity characterizes my style, which is why I fell in love with Viki's wonderful clothes, in which I can really be myself and smile non-stop. Now, at the age of 34, I became a ViktoriaBolla model, for which I am very grateful, because it is also an experience that I will definitely remember for the rest of my life.


IG: @lksy_dora

I have always wanted to show the world and especially myself that I can be successful and happy even as a blonde and imperfectly. I applied for the call because I wanted to belong to the Strong Women brought together by Viki.


IG: @mommyandwine

I signed up because of Viki. For the beauty that she creates, for the naturalness that she conveys, for the happiness that I see on the faces of her family. These are the easiest to identify with. And the ViktoriaBolla brand is so perfect that there is no effort involved. It's all simple chemistry and adoration!


IG: @__sereena__

I have been gluten intolerant since childhood, so a strict diet became a part of my life very early on. In addition to this, insulin resistance and PCO were added a few years ago, which makes my everyday life even more difficult. Anyone who walks in similar shoes knows what this means: intake of 160 grams of carbohydrates with five meals a day, intensive training 3-4 times a week. Of course, a diet that requires a lot of sacrifice and willpower has its advantages. I'm satisfied with my shape, I've lost 10 kg thanks to this, I don't have cellulite, I don't have hollow teeth and I haven't had any facial problems for years. The greatest result of the diet for me would be the blessing of children after several years of unsuccessful attempts. With such problems, it is often difficult for me to live as a woman. I applied to Viki as a model because of a conscious departure from my comfort zone. In addition, I really liked her initiative that she wants to give others self-confidence not only with her clothes, but also by appealing to important topics. It's not easy to talk about these things, but if I've given even one person strength and the feeling that they're not alone, it's been worth it.


IG: @oliviabanai

It's hard to be special and stand out in a world where trends dictate everything, where every second girl looks the same thanks to fast fashion. This is exactly why it matters even more today what you represent, what inner values ​​you have and what example you set with your life. I was never the girl who followed the crowd, I didn't really find my place in my own age group, I was interested in other topics than the ones the girls talked about in the university yard. I want to represent value, deep feelings, something to say that can be an example to others. This is how I proudly represent the VIKTORIABOLLA brand. Viki's life in itself is an example for me, family-oriented, genuinely loving and cheerful. She is a fantastic role model for every mother-to-be, who did not become gray even after the birth of her little girl, but then embarked on her life's project.


IG: @nemethkitti24

I am Kitti Németh, a 21-year-old girl from Veszprém. He is currently a HR student at Károli Gáspár Református University. If I had to describe myself in a few words, I would say that I am cheerful, energetic, wholehearted and extremely persistent. Nothing shows the latter better than the fact that I applied for the call three times. (It seems that there are really three Hungarian truths) I actually first stumbled upon the idea of ​​Viki's first own collection on Instagram, then I discovered 11ground, the posts, and the chic outfit posts. Before that, I thought it would be nice to be a model for a collection. After seeing and reading more, or watching a YouTube video, I felt that there is much more to this than this, that I really want to represent this WOMAN, because she inspires, creates value, gives herself, shines and simply has such a personality and outlook on life , which is close to me. Actually, these and the personal meeting after the second application motivated me when I wrote to Viki for the third time. Then I really wanted to be a part of what he was creating. As a child, I was never a girl in the classical sense, I behaved like a boy, looked like one, and even later I preferred to talk to boys. I loved those years, but later because of this it was very difficult to find myself and to experience femininity in external signs as well. Obviously, in your twenties, you are still in the prime of your life, so this search is still in full swing. The "modern princess"  really appealed to me, when I think about it, it feels like my own, I like to be pretty, but comfort and combinability are important, especially if I'm rushing to university. One can be pretty and feminine even in sports shoes without high heels, I think this comes from within anyway. I believe in the power of radiance, I think that even the most beautiful clothing poem is empty without it. For me, Viki's clothes also convey this, the collections and concepts also convey this to me, reflecting what Viki represents. I can't wait for you to see what this feeling is like on my face, hiding in the garment intended for me.


IG: @jankadebreczeni

I would also like to keep my femininity as a mother. Dressing plays a big role in this, because in a prettier basic piece, I start my everyday life much more confidently. Wearing Viki's clothes, I always feel comfortable and pretty at the same time, which is the best combination! Plus, since I represent the low-waste approach and try to live according to it in all areas of life, it is also important for me not to pile up clothes and that my wardrobe consists of high-quality basic pieces rather than a multitude of fast fashion clothes that will no longer be relevant the following year.


IG: @kerekesnora_

Even as a child, I stood out from the crowd, I was different from other children. Later, they were ridiculed and ostracized for this very reason. This was very difficult for me at the time, but I didn't dare to tell anyone about it. I didn't dare to speak up in almost any life situation. I changed for other people, hoping that they would like me. This resulted in panic disorder and constant anxiety. Now I know that was a mistake. It took me years to accept the fact that not everyone can like me. It took time to get over my anxiety. I learned to take advantage of my personality, improve myself and not feel bad for who I am. I think that everyone should dare to speak up and ask for help, as this is how we can bring about change. That's why I'm here!