IG: @kovacszsofi
Ever-moving, talkative, emotional, sentimental, dreamy, curious, hungry for knowledge, (not only) a gastronomic hedonist. An ordinary woman with unusual plans - I think that has always been my mast in life. I was thirsty to learn as much as possible, to see and experience as much as possible. I like going against the grain. I'm inspired by big closures and new beginnings - probably one of the reasons why my law degree was needed until the post-graduation lunch and then I followed my dreams. I am attracted to everything that is aesthetic, unusual, special - and that is made of dough. The old values live in me with the modern sparks of the new age. Carrying this temperament, since I can remember I wanted to do something that would make me stand out from others. Standing out is not only a privilege, but also a responsibility. That's why I'm glad that through this collection we can cooperate with girls who, with their life journey, work, humility, kindness, and perseverance, have proven that everyday life is more than the showcase that echoes on the displays every day.

IG: @odettofficalinstagram
I'm Odett, 32-year-old singer, songwriter, creative mind. In addition to music, my love language is visual culture, including fashion. Instead of focusing on problems, I look for solutions in life. The solution is about the bottom line. And the point is always simple, clean and understandable for everyone. Exactly like Viki's clothes, only these pieces are also comfortable.

IG: @lilipataki
I am Lili Pataki, 28 years old, interior designer. Beauty has always attracted me, whether it's clothes or spaces. I never prioritized quantity, I always prioritized quality, I think this is where we are most similar with Viki, and our 'stubbornness', which is not stubbornness, but perhaps maximalism is the right word for it. We go until we reach our dreams and make them come true, because when we do, wonderful things are born, like the Viktoriabolla brand or, in my case, homes that make the owners happy. And yet what's better than giving, getting pleasure?